Your search returned 1576 results.

21. Lending Materials
A safety handbook for science teachers by
Edition: 2nd Ed.;
Publication details: London : John Murray, 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: Maharagama (1)Call number: 507 EVE.

22. Reference Materials
A Sanskrit-English Dictionary by
Publication details: New Delhi: Asian Educational Services, 1991
Availability: Items available for reference: Maharagama: Not for loan (1)Call number: 491.2 BEN.

23. Lending Materials
A Social Psychology of Organizing : People, Processes and Contexts by
Publication details: New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: Maharagama (1)Call number: 302.3 HOS.

24. Lending Materials
A textbook of national income accounting : a textbook on economics for class xii by
Publication details: New Delhi: S.Chand Com, 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: Maharagama (1)Call number: 339.32 CHA.

25. Reference Materials
A textbook on biotechnology by
Publication details: New Delhi: East-West Press, 1991
Availability: Items available for reference: Maharagama: Not for loan (1)Call number: 660.6 KUM.

26. Lending Materials
A Theory of Religious Thought : The principles underlying forms of knowledge, behavior and social relationship in traditional society; by
Publication details: New Delhi: Sterling, 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: Maharagama (1)Call number: 200.9 BOS.

27. Lending Materials
A Treasury of Mahayana Sutras: Selections from the Maharatnakuta Sutra; by
Publication details: New Delhi: Motilal, 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: Maharagama (1)Call number: 294.392 TRE.

28. Lending Materials
The Debate of King Millinda: an Abridgement of The Milinda Panha; by
Publication details: Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: Maharagama (3)Call number: 294.3 DEB, ...

29. Lending Materials
A Writer's Companion by
Edition: 2nd Ed.;
Publication details: New York: Mcgraw -Hill, 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: Maharagama (1)Call number: 808.042 MAR.

30. Lending Materials
Abhinandana : Papers on indology Buddhism and fine arts ; by
Publication details: Colombo: The Felicitation Volume Editorial Committee, 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: Maharagama (1)Call number: 294.3 TIL.

31. Lending Materials
Abhinandana, papers on indology buddhhism and fine arts by
Publication details: Colombo: The Felicitation Volume editorial Committee, 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: Maharagama (2)Call number: 294.3 TIL, ...

32. Lending Materials
Access to geography 1 by
Publication details: New York: Oxford University, 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: Maharagama (1)Call number: 910.7 KEM.

33. Lending Materials
Accounting : A study text for AAT by
Publication details: England: Stanley Thornes, 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: Maharagama (1)Call number: 657 CAS.

34. Lending Materials
Accounting for non accounting students by
Publication details: British: ELBS with Pitman, 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: Maharagama (1)Call number: 657 DYS.

35. Lending Materials
Accounting for small business concerns by
Publication details: New York: Edvard Arnold, 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: Maharagama (1)Call number: 657.9042 LEN.

36. Lending Materials
Action and Knowledge : Breaking the Monopoly with Participatory action - Research by
Publication details: London; Intermediate Technology, 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: Maharagama (1)Call number: 300.72 ACT.

37. Lending Materials
Active Maths by
Publication details: UK: World Wide Fund, 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: Maharagama (1)Call number: 372.7 ACT.

38. Lending Materials
Addition by
Publication details: New York: McClanahan Book Co, 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: Maharagama (1)Call number: 372.7 SIL.

39. Lending Materials
Administrative Structures for Distance Education by
Publication details: London : Commanwealth Secretariat, 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: Maharagama (1)Call number: 374 PER.

40. Lending Materials
Adult Education : Literacy to Liberation by
Publication details: New Delhi: Anmol Publication, 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: Maharagama (1)Call number: 374 RAM.


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