Your search returned 12 results.

1. Lending Materials
A History of Hilosophy Volume 5: Part 1 modern philosophy the British philosophers Part 1 Hobbes to Paley by
Publication details: New York Image Books 1959
Availability: Items available for loan: Maharagama (1)Call number: 109 COP.

2. Lending Materials
A Study of Fiction by
Publication details: Colombo : Lake House, 1976
Availability: Items available for loan: Maharagama (1)Call number: 801.953 GOO.

3. Lending Materials
Classroom of resistance by
Publication details: London Writers and Readers 1975
Availability: Items available for loan: Maharagama (1)Call number: 140 SEA.

4. Lending Materials
The great philosophers by
Publication details: London: Phoenix,a Division of the Orion Pub. 1998
Availability: Items available for loan: Maharagama (1)Call number: 190 COT.

5. Lending Materials
The great philosophers by
Publication details: London: PHOENIX pub. 1997
Availability: Items available for loan: Maharagama (1)Call number: 180 GOT.

6. Lending Materials
දාර්ශනික ආකල්ප by
Publication details: Dehiwala : Edhirisinghe Pub. 1991
Title translated: Dhaarshanika aakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Maharagama (7)Call number: 101 EDH, ...

7. Lending Materials
විප්ලවයක දූ පුතුන් කාල් මාක්ස් by
Publication details: Nugegoda: Sanhida, 2014
Title translated: kaal marks : viplavayaka duu puthun.
Availability: Items available for loan: Maharagama (1)Call number: 921 KAR.

8. Lending Materials
කාල් මාක්ස් by
Publication details: Nugegoda : Sanhindha, 2010
Title translated: kaal maaks.
Availability: Items available for loan: Maharagama (1)Call number: 921.3 MAR.

9. Lending Materials
The moral philosophers : An Introduction to Ethics by
Edition: 2nd Ed
Publication details: NewYork: Oxford University press, 1998
Availability: Items available for loan: Maharagama (1)Call number: 170 NOR.

10. Lending Materials
The philosophers : Introducing great western thinkers by
Publication details: NewYork: Oxford university press. 1995
Availability: Items available for loan: Maharagama (1)Call number: 190PHI.

11. Lending Materials
කාල් මාක්ස් (ජීවිතය හා දරශනය) by
Publication details: Colombo Godage, 1997
Title translated: Kal max (jeewithaya ha darshanaya).
Availability: Items available for loan: Meepe (1)Call number: 921KUM.

12. Lending Materials
තෙරේසා මවුතුමිය by
Publication details: Colombo Gunaseena, 1999
Title translated: Theresa mawthumiya.
Availability: Items available for loan: Meepe (5)Call number: 923.6FRA, ...


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